Online digital
resources for TMs

Convert client
lists to email addresses
With just a few clicks you can convert a PDF Client List into a list of email addresses or a Word or Excel file. No more copying, deleting the spaces, removing duplicates or even re-typing them yourself.
All for free*. Imagine the time you will save?

The 4TMsApp
Available to Subscribers only.
Now released.
Includes export of phone numbers to iPhone Contacts for easy WhatsApp creation.Some of the features that the App will include are: Menu choices; Seating labels; Seating plans.
*If however, you have found it useful, we ask that you please make a small donation each time you use it, so that we can cover the cost of development and maintenance of the site. Alternatively, become a subscriber to access more applets and the 4TMs App.
Creating a tour WhatsApp group?
Quickly add names to your iPhone
If you want to create a WhatsApp group for your tour it is much more convenient if the names of your pax are in your Contacts list on your iPhone. You can do this more easily using 4TMs Convert, a Mac, an Excel and a vCard file that you down load here. Read the Instructions.pdf file below.
Download vCard FileDownload Excel File
Click here to read the Instructions